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Random photo, maybe a good idea?

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 10:27 pm
by p51
I had to work overtime this week (pretty much every week, for the past 5+ years. Don't get me started on that) and decided to do it today when nobody else was around (I work faster without newer people constantly coming up for opinions). By the end of it, I realized I'd rather be at Space Camp... wouldn't we all, right?
So, I took this shot to text to my good friends PK and Steve here on the forum. Note the mission patch magnets I made from my SC designs in the background along with other NASA magnets I've gotten over the years...
After looking at it, though, I started wondering if this could be a cool thing for social media for the program...
Think of it, how about shots of fellow SC fans, either in places they'd rather not be, or even better, in really cool places, all holding signs stating, "I'd rather be at Space Camp"? Imagine, say, someone standing in front of the Eifel Tower, holding a sign like that!
Just a thought... :|

Re: Random photo, maybe a good idea?

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:12 am
by wxnerdjenn
Oh NOW you suggest that haha, I was just at the Eiffel Tower in April and totally would have done that just for giggles. I could take this photo every day at work if I was allowed to have my phone or take pictures in the pharmacy.