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End of summer musings

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 6:51 pm
by Boomerang
Well here its is nearly the end of my summer here at Space Camp/ Aviation Challenge. I arrived here exactly 3 months ago tommorow and i leave 1 week from tommorow. It all seems like its been a dream and that there is no way 3 months could have passed already. In that time i have seen the 25th anniversary celebration come and go. I've seen 2 adult alumni camps, 3 fireworks displays, met 7 astronauts, 1 star trek captain and seen more kids than i could count come through our programs. I've made many friends and seen some of them leave. Emotions have run the gammit from thrilled, proud, excited, mad, sad and depressed and probably a few others. I could honestle say they could make a soap opera out of this place and noone would believe its all real. And now its almost over and soon i'll have to leave. No more waking up to the sight of pathfinder every morning, no more lousy cafeteria food, but at the same time i'll be leaving behind alot of friends. And though i plan to return in January there is always the uncertainty of the future and what might happen between now and then. I'm sorry for this seemingly pointless muse but i just needed to let it out. I promise when its all over a more complete write up of the summer with pictures.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 9:30 pm
by JennieM
Wow! It seems like just yesterday you were posting about completing your training. It is amazing how fast the summers pass by. It's a shame you won't be there a week longer to torture my husband when he goes through Adult AC the weekend of Aug 24. :wink:

Re: End of summer musings

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 12:45 pm
by airkale
Boomerang wrote:Well here its is nearly the end of my summer here at Space Camp/ Aviation Challenge. I arrived here exactly 3 months ago tommorow and i leave 1 week from tommorow. It all seems like its been a dream and that there is no way 3 months could have passed already. In that time i have seen the 25th anniversary celebration come and go. I've seen 2 adult alumni camps, 3 fireworks displays, met 7 astronauts, 1 star trek captain and seen more kids than i could count come through our programs. I've made many friends and seen some of them leave. Emotions have run the gammit from thrilled, proud, excited, mad, sad and depressed and probably a few others. I could honestle say they could make a soap opera out of this place and noone would believe its all real. And now its almost over and soon i'll have to leave. No more waking up to the sight of pathfinder every morning, no more lousy cafeteria food, but at the same time i'll be leaving behind alot of friends. And though i plan to return in January there is always the uncertainty of the future and what might happen between now and then. I'm sorry for this seemingly pointless muse but i just needed to let it out. I promise when its all over a more complete write up of the summer with pictures.
What a great adventure! Take comfort in my jelousy of your summer. Even though I was able to spend a short week with you and everyone, I would have loved to work at the USSRC for a summer.

And as it seems all good things must come to an end, I've personally tryed to turn the sad feelings around by looking forward to things to come. Hopefully, when I return the new Saturn building will be complete, and maybe they will have spruced Rocket Park back up to its former glory.

If your ever looking to actually make a Space Camp drama, I was thinking of a title. Instead of "As the World Turns" we could use "As the Rocket Burns". Other thoughts include "The Young and the Weightless".

Tell the place one last goodbye for me, but we'll all be back soon.

Re: End of summer musings

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 1:08 pm
by Hotdog
airkale wrote: "The Young and the Weightless".

that's it!

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:30 pm
by Boomerang
Well i just got a reminder of how much hjas happened this summer. One of my fellow counselors who i went through training with just brought me a picture of our training team the "Skinny "sexy" Dragons" that was taken on the day we graduated from counselor training. It seems like so long ago and yet not. And i realise half the people in this picture are either gone now or soon to be leaving, it just doesnt seem like summer could be over.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:07 pm
by empress
I know it must be hard to leave, but at least with Hab 1 you can kinda still be there, or at least "hang out" with fellow space-enthusiasts. Granted, it's not waking up to Pathfinder, but I suppose you could put a shuttle model about 2 inches from your pillow and then when you wake up, it would almost seem like you're still there! :) Well, maybe not... But we "campers" will all still be at Hab 1. So instead of an "ATO," you can "ATI" - Abort To Internet - with us!