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Re: So, who's ready for 2014?

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 1:49 pm
by p51
Is it confirmed they're really having that event this year? It got cancelled last year, didn't it?
It never occured to me before now that they'd combine the Hall of Fame event with an adult camp program. If I ever had any motivation to endure the Deep South in August, that would be it. But yeah, that's still not a good enough reason for me to melt in that heat. After you've been away from that type of weather for a few years, you lose your ability to cope with it.
For me, it's a moot point as I signed up for a nother timeframe, a while back...

Re: So, who's ready for 2014?

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 1:58 pm
by Vincent
Obviously, given the recent track record, there's no way to know for certain that it's going to be held until we're all sitting in the Davidson Center.

However, if I was to bet on the probable outcome, I would say that it's going to be held this year, as planned.

Re: So, who's ready for 2014?

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 4:22 pm
by Hotdog
As of three weeks ago when I was there, it was still on, and set for August 8. I was told by ATK representatives last year that they would be sure to make up for it this year. ATK is the prime sponsor for the event.

Re: So, who's ready for 2014?

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:29 pm
by Steve
Hotdog wrote:
Steve wrote:Where will they post the dress & cost?
The 30th anniversary event was $45 ($99 if you wanted to do the sims and other off-site activities). They will post more details here, but it usually doesn't get posted until May (about the same time the inductees are announced).
Thanks Hotdog for the information. Maybe some of us get together for the event. I would love to go!!

Re: So, who's ready for 2014?

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 12:06 pm
by Conan
Can anyone send me an approximate schedule of what is included in the 4-day Adult Academy? I am assuming that there is no scuba or swimming, but I am curious as to what is included.

Re: So, who's ready for 2014?

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 1:12 pm
by p51
Well, I have my flight suit set up in this year's configuration, so I'll have room for this year's mission patch, will be removing the 30th anniversary patch once I have a third mission patch to put on the suit:
Conan wrote:Can anyone send me an approximate schedule of what is included in the 4-day Adult Academy? I am assuming that there is no scuba or swimming, but I am curious as to what is included.
I called when I was trying to allign myself with a few people on my team for the 4-day program. When I did, I asked what would the extra day entail. The person said she wasn't sure and suggested they were still trying to figure that out.
Frankly, I'm hoping for another day of sims. Flying a second (or third) 2-hour duration mission would, to me, be the best use of that time. Most people only get one shot at crewing an orbiter, and some not even the one (a guy on my team in September pulled mission control twice and the ISS once for all the missions, I felt really bad for him).

Re: So, who's ready for 2014?

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:35 pm
by Conan
I agree that an additional Sim would be the best use of the extra day. I would like an even longer one, perhaps 4 hours. I did a 12-hour sim when I attended the 8-day Adult Academy in 1996 and it was intensely fun. Of course, that team was a special one with a great bond. They aren't all like that.

Re: So, who's ready for 2014?

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:42 pm
by p51
Conan wrote:I agree that an additional Sim would be the best use of the extra day. I would like an even longer one, perhaps 4 hours.
Yeah, you could do two of them for sure with the extra day.
Conan wrote:I did a 12-hour sim when I attended the 8-day Adult Academy in 1996 and it was intensely fun.
Man, I like both parts of this. the 3-day is the longest I've been able to do (so far) since I decided to finally go, I so wish they'd bring back the week long programs for adults!
Conan wrote:Of course, that team was a special one with a great bond. They aren't all like that.
Amen there. Steve on this forum will back me up on this, my first team in 2012 was a great group of folks, we all clicked right away. I'd give anything to have that experience again. But last year, I still enjoyed myself but that group just wasn't the same at all. It was actually a little disappointing to a degree (but still worth going, though, and some of them were good folks). The first time at SC, I was on a team, the second time I was in a gaggle of individuals.

Re: So, who's ready for 2014?

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 12:52 pm
by Krw3r
I'm going to the 4 day Space Camp in August. I asked what the differences will be on the facebook page and this is what they said: Hi! The main difference is extra time in the simulated missions.

I've never been to camp before but I am so excited to finally get a chance to go.

I saw from Conan's posts that there will be a hall of fame thing around the Space Camp time. What is that, a dinner or something? It sounds cool to go to.

Re: So, who's ready for 2014?

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:07 pm
by majtom7
That's what they told me when I called, i.e., the 4 day has one more mission. Question is, shuttle or Orion? They suggested that the rest of the day might be more museum or lecture time. I keep asking for a schedule as I want to manage my expectations. No response yet... I would hope that they pull one together soon as there's only 4 months left.

Re: So, who's ready for 2014?

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 6:43 pm
by Steve
majtom7 wrote:That's what they told me when I called, i.e., the 4 day has one more mission. Question is, shuttle or Orion? They suggested that the rest of the day might be more museum or lecture time. I keep asking for a schedule as I want to manage my expectations. No response yet... I would hope that they pull one together soon as there's only 4 months left.
When you go in August, please tells us about your experience. I am going in the fall. I have found the schedule is made closer to camp & so is room assignment. They may have a basic schedule, but this is first time they offered a 4 day camp in three years. Space Camp have offered week long in years past. So please let us know if you get a basic schedule.

Re: So, who's ready for 2014?

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:09 am
by Conan
I would like to see a schedule in advance too. I need to know, before I buy my Hall of Fame Dinner ticket, if I will be missing out on anything important. I plan on calling again in May when the Hall of Fame tickets go on sale and ask for a schedule at that time. If they send me one, I will share it. I look forward to seeing those of you who will be there with me in August. I will definitely report back, with photos, after I return.

Re: So, who's ready for 2014?

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 11:03 am
by Conan
As my camp date gets closer, (all forms are completed!) I am wondering if it will be a mistake to try and attend the Hall of Fame Dinner. I wouldn't want to miss out on any team activities that might be going on the first evening of camp. Hall of Fame Dinner is listed as running from 6 to 10 pm. Does anyone know what is on the schedule for the first day of the Adult 4-day camp, August 8? What is your opinion on attending the dinner. I think that building a good team is probably more important to me.

Re: So, who's ready for 2014?

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 9:13 pm
by Steve
To my knowledge in the last two years, this is the first time for a 4 day camp. I would call & talk to camper services when your camp gets close to get more information. I am attending the Hall of Fame dinner myself.

Re: So, who's ready for 2014?

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 4:45 pm
by street
Steve wrote:To my knowledge in the last two years, this is the first time for a 4 day camp. I would call & talk to camper services when your camp gets close to get more information. I am attending the Hall of Fame dinner myself.
Trainee Services :wink: won't have the schedule until the previous week. Schedules change all the time, based on the number of teams and other things happening at the center on the days of the camp in question.

Re: So, who's ready for 2014?

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 4:48 pm
by p51
street wrote: Schedules change all the time, based on the number of teams and other things happening at the center on the days of the camp in question.
I'm sure we're all familiar with that, but I think I speak for anyone going to (or wanting to) do the 4-day program when I say I'd at the very least like to get some manner of basic idea of what is to be expected...

Re: So, who's ready for 2014?

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 7:59 am
by majtom7
No one is asking for the daily schedule yet there must be a general outline; e.g. how many shuttle missions, any Orion missions (I hope not unless the bugs have been fixed), Aviation Challenge, UAT, Marshall tour, parachute water landing, movies, museum time, etc. How hard can it be to add a day to the 3 day? If you're going to offer a 4 day, someone must have some idea. (In rereading this, I realize that I am looking at this from a business standpoint. A general outline should exist before something is offered to the public. How do you price it without an idea of your costs? That does not mean that it does exist, e.g. vaporware.)

From a personal standpoint, I would like to know if we're doing Marshall and UAT. If we're not doing Marshall, I may add a day to my trip and the sooner I know that, the better. If we're not doing UAT, that's one less form that needs to be completed.

And while I'm at it, since a 4 day is presumably a bit more intense and focused than a 3 day, I wish we could designate a track like we could in the old Level II and Advanced. I come to pilot. 8)

Re: So, who's ready for 2014?

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 2:36 pm
by p51
majtom7 wrote:And while I'm at it, since a 4 day is presumably a bit more intense and focused than a 3 day, I wish we could designate a track like we could in the old Level II and Advanced.
I agree fully. I have no interest in the pool or anything like that. Just point me to the cockpit, I could stay there all 4 days and be quite happy!
They could do a longer-duration mission than the standard 2-hour 'Charlie' mission the 3-day camp traditionally ends with...

Re: So, who's ready for 2014?

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 7:55 pm
by Phoenix PK
LDMs/EDMs are great, I've had a lot of fun in them, but the shorter 2-hour missions help to spread the stick time around. Lots of stick jockeys out there. I know, I'm one of 'em! And being an MS doing EVAs really teaches that this whole Spaceflight biz is a lot more than just flipping switches. It's crucial experience for being a good CDR. Lots of CDRs will don tanks in the NBL just to really know what's involved in an EVA.

Re: So, who's ready for 2014?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 7:12 pm
by Steve
Phoenix PK wrote:LDMs/EDMs are great, I've had a lot of fun in them, but the shorter 2-hour missions help to spread the stick time around. Lots of stick jockeys out there. I know, I'm one of 'em! And being an MS doing EVAs really teaches that this whole Spaceflight biz is a lot more than just flipping switches. It's crucial experience for being a good CDR. Lots of CDRs will don tanks in the NBL just to really know what's involved in an EVA.
Last two camps I really enjoyed the EVA's. Each part of team regardless if you are in mission control, on the orbiter, EVA & ISS plays a important part. Got to say last year was a real blast, I set behind Lee flying that shuttle back home. I believe the four day camp will present longer missions. Thinking back to Apollo 13, when the accident happened in flight, they depended on mission control team to bring them back home. So at camp, we need each other to complete the mission!! :D