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Re: "veteran" or "alumni" patch?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:59 pm
by ordinaryguy
I think you did yeoman's work here Hotdog. I'm sort of new to the scene here but it seems you've got it right - focus on getting things done rather than dwelling on all the potential eccentricities.. The logo is symbolic (and a very nice one at that :-) - but it's not the core of the matter here - the core is really moving the ball forward for all those who come after us - and connecting with and appealing to that community of 600,000 alumni. I think you've taken a big step forward here - and your message is one everyone can take to heart - I know that I am. Go get involved ... yep - sounds right to me!

Re: "veteran" or "alumni" patch?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 7:16 pm
by Phoenix PK
Count me in, I think we deserve our own patch. As long as the USSRC is OK with it.

Re: "veteran" or "alumni" patch?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 7:43 pm
by Hotdog
It is an official logo, so expect to see it popping up all over the place, anywhere alumni are involved!

Re: "veteran" or "alumni" patch?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:40 pm
by p51
Hotdog wrote:It is an official logo, so expect to see it popping up all over the place, anywhere alumni are involved!
Conan wrote:Sprocket may not want to make this into real patches, but that doesn't mean that we alumni couldn't raise funds to have them made ourselves. After all, we brought the plane to Space Camp and that was a much larger amount to raise! :D
Any chance that it'll be made into patches by SC? I'm still baffled why they create so little swag for alumni, especially considering how proud SC/AC alumni are.
I just had the last of my '2X space camp" patches sewn to my camp jacket the other day. I still have the SC alumni t-shirt I bought in 2012, will be wearing it to SC when I go there this Fall (it's not a shirt I wear very often around home).
But Conan is right, this deserves to be made into patches. I would pay a decent amount for one and would proudly put it on the ever-decreasing open space on my flight suit!

Re: "veteran" or "alumni" patch?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:43 pm
by Hotdog
Time will tell!

I think the odds of more alumni perks like merch will increase the more we do. We showed what we were capable of with getting the STA, but we still have a lot of work to do. I think we need to have more alumni involved and helping out before we can make a case to have this stuff made available. I think getting alumni merch would be a great motivator to make things happen!

Re: "veteran" or "alumni" patch?

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:55 pm
by p51
Hotdog wrote:I think we need to have more alumni involved and helping out before we can make a case to have this stuff made available. I think getting alumni merch would be a great motivator to make things happen!
I agree of course, but I've also heard that the people handling merchandising pretty much decide what we'll want and make only what they think it'll sell while refusing any feedback from those of us who actually would buy the stuff...