Adult Camp Vs. Advanced Academy

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Adult Camp Vs. Advanced Academy

Post by coolgal »

So, I went to Advanced Space Academy 3 times, but now that I'm 19 I'm going to try out the 3 day Adult Space Camp (Over Spring Break). Can anyone tell me what some major differences between ASA and the Adult camp are? I was also wondering what the age range usually is. No matter what, I'm super excited, there's no better way to spend spring break than at Space Camp!
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Re: Adult Camp Vs. Advanced Academy

Post by p51 »

I've done the 3-day program twice, the 4-day one once and this year did the week-long ASA for the first time.
Generally, the 3-day one is really more like 2 days in length. You're done just about the time you're getting up to speed with your team, sadly.
The major differences for you would be:
No scuba
Short missions (the longer-duration one is only 2-hours, the rest are one-hour)
To me, an inordinate amount of time building model rockets, given how little time you get overall
Faster pace because you don't have much time to get to know your team before you're done
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Re: Adult Camp Vs. Advanced Academy

Post by coolgal »

Yeah, it does seem kind of short. That's really too bad. But it will definitely be nice to be back even just for a weekend. They also sent me a notice in the mail that they are hiring. I might, in the future, try to be a counselor. That would probably be an immense amount of fun.
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Re: Adult Camp Vs. Advanced Academy

Post by Hotdog »

Is the 4-day not being offered during your spring break? For all the reasons P51 mentioned, you should at least go for the 4-day if its available. That extra day will make a huge difference, and it doesn't cost a whole lot more.
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Re: Adult Camp Vs. Advanced Academy

Post by coolgal »

My mom got me the weekend as an early Christmas present, so I'll take what I can get. If I go again in the future, maybe even next spring or winter break, I'll try to opt for the 4 day (or longer if it's offered). Hopefully I'll still have enough time to enjoy everything.
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Re: Adult Camp Vs. Advanced Academy

Post by SpaceCanada »

I haven't been to the weekend adult camps, but wanted to say that the age range for adult camps is huge: 19 to 80 years old in one team can easily happen! That being said, I'm often the youngest person there (unless my husband comes with me, then he's youngest by a few days) and the age of the team never matters much. As adults, almost everyone is there on their own dime because they want to be there and share the common enthusiasm for space travel and camp itself. It's amazing at the skills and experience some of you team mates may have. I've been on team before with NASA engineers, military engineers, geologists, doctors, teachers, university students, and more.

Have fun!!
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Re: Adult Camp Vs. Advanced Academy

Post by Hotdog »

Yes, what Jennifer said. Expect the adult camp to be a different and unique experience from what you experienced previously. You will likely be the youngest person on your team. Everyone else on your team will have a high level of enthusiasm because like Jen said, they're all there on their own dime and want to be there. This can be both a good and a bad thing. Having more space-oriented people around can raise the bar and give your team more of an edge in your various activities and missions, but it also increases the chances you'll have more egos and "alpha trainee" types that will clash with other teammates and cause discord with the group as a whole. So, the social aspects may not be as favorable, but you may get to "nerd out" a bit more :D

Oh, and another thing. It will be easier to win awards. For example, instead of 6, 8 or 12 teams competing to win Best Mission Patch, there may only be one other adult team to compete against. That may kinda take some of the fun out of things. So an Adult Camp award may not be as wonderful as the Advanced Academy award you won vs. a bunch of other teams.
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Re: Adult Camp Vs. Advanced Academy

Post by coolgal »

I think it sounds really cool to be with people who are enthusiastic! I bet it will be a lot of fun. I certainly won't mind being one of the youngest, I just hope it doesn't make people want to leave me out. :? (Also, I see you're from Chattanooga, same here!)
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Re: Adult Camp Vs. Advanced Academy

Post by Hotdog »

No worries about being left out. Even if everybody goes to the "Library" after hours, I'm sure they'll let you tag along (you just might have to settle for a non-alcoholic beverage). :|

Which reminds me of another difference, some of your adult team members may opt to stay/sleep in a Marriott room as opposed to the Hab. You may have read some discussion here about the pros and cons of that. There seems to be a consensus that for a better overall experience it's best to stay in the Hab with your team and get the most out of the very short time you have together.

Nice to have another Chattanoogan on the board. I seem to remember you mentioning that you were from Chattanooga a few years back when you first joined. I was living in East Ridge then, but I've since moved back to the Harrison/Ooltewah area.
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Re: Adult Camp Vs. Advanced Academy

Post by NASAgeek »

As others said the three day session goes by pretty quick. But it's fun nonetheless. The four day is a little better, it gives you more time to get to know your team better. As for I would do the 3 or 4 day. Anytime at space camp or the us space and rocket is awesome. I read your going to camp next year in April. By chance is it the the weekend of Easter your going? That's when I'm planning to go
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Re: Adult Camp Vs. Advanced Academy

Post by coolgal »

For me, Spring Break is in March, so that's when I'm going.
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